When people think about foot fungus and Athlete's Foot, oftentimes their minds go straight to steamy showers in gyms, dorms, and schools. However, this certainly isn't the only way that you can acquire foot fungus of some kind. If you're concerned about potential foot fungus symptoms that you're having or just want to protect yourself, this guide can explain three of the lesser-known ways you can pick it up.
Foot fungus is best known for being spread in warm and humid areas, but that doesn't mean they're the only places you can acquire it. When people sleep in a bed with a foot fungus infection and don't wear socks, the fungus can be shed onto the sheets where it can linger.
Typically, you won't need to worry about this since you're likely to be using your own sheets. However, if you spend the night with someone or stay in accommodations that don't seem as clean as they should be, your feet could be at risk. While it's not guaranteed to protect you, wearing socks while you sleep may help to keep your feet safe. If someone else has used your sheets, make sure to wash them in hot water, and if possible, with bleach to annihilate any remaining fungus.
Friends' Homes
Visiting or spending the night at a friend's house is fun, but it can also pose some dangers if you're not careful.
Foot fungus is easily spread by anyone who has it. So if you're visiting with a friend, and if some member of their household has foot fungus, you could pick it up just by walking around the house barefoot. Anywhere that the person with the fungus has walked could potentially infect you, too.
Finally, you should know that there are many kinds of foot fungus, but not all of them are easy to catch. If you're healthy and have a strong immune system, your body can often fend off certain types of foot fungus. However, the same often can't be said if you've experienced an injury to your foot or toenail.
When a toenail is injured, leading to a split, break, or bruise, it becomes easier for foot fungus to infect the toenail. Once it's firmly in place there, it can spread to the entire foot. For this reason, if you previously injured your toenail and are noticing symptoms of foot fungus, it's possible that it may have become infected and you should get medical help.
Podiatrists are number one when it comes to diagnosing and treating foot fungus. Don't waste time with over-the-counter creams and medication that may not tackle the type of foot fungus you have. Go to a podiatrist, get diagnosed, and say goodbye to this ailment for good.