If you have a loved one with bipolar disorder, there are many things that you will need to learn and understand in order to properly care for and support them. One of the little-discussed symptoms of bipolar disorder is psychosis. Psychosis can occur in either depressive or manic episodes, and can be tough to spot and deal with if you do not know enough about it. Learn more about the signs and symptoms of psychosis as well as what you can and should do to help your loved one with bipolar if you experience it.
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4 Tips For Recovering After A Sport Injury
Sports injuries can be an unfortunate fact of life for athletes. An injury can keep you from doing the things you love and limit your mobility until you heal. Here are four tips to help you recover faster, so you can get back to doing the things you love:
1. Remember RICE.
The acronym RICE stands for "rest, ice, compression, and elevation," and this is a concise treatment plan for dealing with injuries to muscles, tendons, and joints.
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Using Home Care Services To Meet Your Medical Needs
Home care can be an invaluable option for many patients with more difficult or elaborate healthcare needs. However, it can be difficult or almost impossible for a patient to effectively weigh the option of using home care services if they lack some basic facts and answers.
Can Home Care Services Help With Non-Medical Needs?
As patients are reviewing their options for home care, they may be operating under the assumption that these services will only help them with their essential medical needs.
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What You Should Know About Hearing Loss And Your Options
If you or a member of your family are suffering from hearing loss, you may have many questions. While most people recognize hearing loss in elderly people or people continuously exposed to loud noise, they do not necessarily understand hearing loss in children or younger adults. Get to know some of the important facts about hearing loss as well as your options for dealing with it. Then, you can begin to deal with your hearing loss or that of your immediate family member with a better understanding of what is going on.
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