Top 5 Ways To Lower Funeral Costs

The average funeral costs about $7,000. For many families, this cost is a significant burden. If a loved one recently died, or you're thinking about your own funeral arrangements, you want to know how you can bring these costs down. Here are five ways to lower funeral expenses: 1. Comparison shop Not many people know that you can comparison shop when it comes to funeral services. Contact several different funeral homes and ask to look at their packages. [Read More]

The Importance In Getting A Yearly Medical Exam

Many people tend to try staying away from doctors until they are in need of service. It is best, however, to have a yearly exam. Even if you are not exhibiting any symptoms of an illness or medical condition, having a yearly exam can keep you from finding you have an underlying situation that needs immediate attention. Here are some of the reasons why seeing your general physician each year is important. [Read More]

The Role Of A Periodontist

If your dentist has recommended that you visit a periodontist, then you might be somewhat confused. After all, can't your dentist perform any necessary procedures or surgeries? As it turns out, the field of dentistry is much too vast for any single individual to be an expert in all aspects of it. Therefore, there are specific dentists known as periodontists who specialize in the supporting structures of the mouth. What is periodontology? [Read More]

You Don't Have To Be A Nervous Wreck: Medication-Free Ways To Cope With Anxiety In Perimenopause

As if the hot flashes, dry skin, and heavy menstrual periods aren't enough to deal with during perimenopause, anxiety can make all your other symptoms feel even worse. It hits without warning. You suddenly feel nervous, lightheaded, short of breath, your heart races, and your legs feel like jelly. Anxiety, always an unwelcome guest, arrives at the most inconvenient times and can affect the quality of your life. Since perimenopause can last for several years, learning effective ways to cope with anxiety is an important part of helping you navigate perimenopause like a pro. [Read More]