Learn What To Do If You Think You May Be Allergic To Your New Pet

Pets can be great additions to the family unless someone in your family happens to be allergic to the pet. There are many times when someone does not realize that they are allergic to the dander of an animal until they adopt them as a pet. When this happens, the person is left with the decision to try to treat the allergy through medications or get rid of their new pet. The following guide walks you through the steps you should take if you think that you may be allergic to a new pet:

Go to See an Allergist

The first thing that you will need to do is you will need to go to see an allergist. The allergist will be able to run tests to determine if you are in fact allergic to your new friend, or if you have outside allergens causing the issues that you are facing. There are times when changes in seasons, weather, or just a detergent can cause people to have an allergic reaction that they have not had before. Getting tested to determine what your allergens are will not hurt, and you should be able to get results on the spot or within a day or two.

Determine What Your Options Are

The allergist will be able to help you determine how severe your allergy to your pet is if you have one. If the allergy is very severe, you may have to get rid of the animal, regardless of how much you love it. Your health is more important than an attachment to an animal. If the allergy is not too severe, the allergist may be able to prescribe you with medications that you can take to reduce the symptoms that you experience when you are around your pet.

Determine What Precautions You Need to Take to Reduce the Chances of a Bad Reaction When Cleaning

You will need to clean your home on a regular basis, and this can often cause dander to be kicked up in the house. The doctor may be able to give you recommendations on what you can do to reduce the reaction you have when you clean. You may need to wear a mask, gloves, and fully cover your skin to reduce the amount of dander that gets on your directly or that you breathe in. The doctor may also be able to recommend cleaning supplies that can cut down on the dander spreading throughout the house, as well.

Having a pet to come home to each day can make you feel loved and appreciated. Having to have an allergic reaction every time you get that love is not ideal though. Visit a pet allergies specialist to see if there is anything that can be done before you get rid of your pet so that both of you can have the best life that you possibly can.
