A well-made hearing aid can take sounds that were once muffled and make them extremely clear. You will no longer have to strain your ear to hear the smallest sounds. While hearing aids are almost harmless, they can eventually lead to ear swelling if you do not practice good habits while wearing them. Infections, overuse, and other poor habits can result in inflammation around your ear. The swelling may be marked by pain because the hearing aid no longer fits seamlessly around your ear and in your ear canal. While ear swelling will go away on its own, it is a good idea to try to prevent it from happening. Fortunately, there are a few tips that you can use in order to accomplish his.
Remove Your Hearing Aids Before Bed
Since your hearing aids improve your overall hearing, it can be tempting to wear the device at all times of the day, including bedtime. However, wearing your hearing aids to bed is not necessary. If you prefer to do this, then this can eventually cause aggravation around your inner and outer ear. The constant pressure that the hearing aid applies to your ear will cause your ear to react negatively by swelling and turning red. In order to prevent this, remove your hearing aid before bed. Store the device in a dry area in your room.
Dry Your Hearing Aids Before and After Use
When you place a hearing aid in your ear you are bound to experience moisture buildup. If you live in a humid environment or sweat regularly, then you may experience this moisture buildup more often than others. The moisture buildup can result in inflammation as a result of bacteria infection. In order to handle this moisture buildup, you need to dry your hearing aids thoroughly before and after use. While your hearing aids are not installed in your ear, you should place them into a dry caddy. A dry caddy will absorb any excess moisture from the hearing aid and dry it out. In addition, you can use a clean cloth to wipe down the hearing device each time that you remove it and reinsert it into your ear. This is a good technique to use if you wear your hearing device while playing sports. The moisture buildup will occur more quickly, and a clean cloth will help to keep your device dry.
Ear swelling can be frustrating to deal with. Therefore, use these tips to help avoid this negative reaction. Visit a website like http://www.hearingaidsatlanticcapemaycounty.com to learn more.