Acne scars run very deep into the layers of your skin. They are caused by loss of collagen, which occurs from an acne infection. If your acne scars are not fading away on their own, then it is time to schedule an appointment with a dermatology clinic. Read on to find out how laser skin resurfacing can improve your acne scars.
What is Laser Resurfacing?
Laser resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure that minimizes the appearance of blemishes, scars and wrinkles. Other names for laser skin resurfacing are lasabrasion, laser vaporization and laser peel. The effectiveness of this procedure depends on the severity of your scarring. It may take more than one treatment to get your desired results.
How Does It Work?
Laser resurfacing can be done in the hospital or at an outpatient facility. However, it is normally done as an outpatient procedure. The dermatologists uses a special laser that sends controlled beams of light into your scar. The laser melts the outer layers of your skin.
This results in revealing the younger and smoother looking skin up under the damaged skin. Removing the old skin also evokes the growth of new skin cells. A full laser treatment can take up to two hours and a partial laser resurfacing treatment takes around 45 minutes.
This procedure may not be the best choice for patients with darker skin tones. They have a greater risk of healing with darker pigmentation. However, the darker pigmentation can be lightened up by using a bleaching treatment. It is also not the best option for patients with active acne, deep wrinkles and excessive, saggy skin.
In 2011, the average cost for laser skin resurfacing was around $2,300, according to WebMD. Many insurance companies consider laser skin resurfacing a cosmetic surgery and will not cover it. However, there is an exception to this rule. If you need the procedure to remove precancerous growths or to improve a scar, then the insurance company may cover it. However, the cost for laser skin resurfacing tends to vary depending on the location.
The dermis is the layer of skin that is located under the epidermis. This is where new collagen is produced. The production of new collagen improve your scars and plump your skin. A laser skin resurfacing procedure can restore your beauty and reveal your youthfulness. If you want to minimize scars, then it helps to use a treatment that increases collagen production.
To learn more, contact a dermatology clinic like J Kent Bartruff MD PA.