When Should Men See A Urologist?

As a man, you've probably heard other men talk about seeing a urologist. This is often seen as an unpleasant but necessary experience. Indeed, seeing a urologist is often important for the diagnosis and treatment of various ailments related to the male urinary tract. While it can be a little uncomfortable at times, it does not have to be wholly unpleasant. So — what are the signs you should see a urologist? Here are the key ones.

A Weaker Flow of Urine

Have you noticed that your urine stream has become less powerful? You might feel like you have to physically push to urinate. Or, you may find that when you apply what feels like a normal amount of pressure, your urine just trickles out. This is certainly a good reason to see the urologist. A weaker urine flow often means something is pressing on your urethra. Sometimes, this happens due to an enlarged prostate. And don't get too worried too soon; an enlarged prostate does not mean you have prostate cancer.

Always Feeling Like You Have to Go

Do you feel like you have to urinate, go to the bathroom, and then realize you did not have to go after all? Maybe you sometimes feel a strong urge to urinate, but only end up having to go a little. This can be a sign of an enlarged prostate pressing on your urethra and making you feel like you have to go. But it can also be a symptom of a urinary tract infection. They're more common in women, but men can get them too. Luckily, antibiotics can clear up a UTI rather easily.

Pelvic Pain

Do you have pain that you can't quite place somewhere in your pelvic region? This pain could be coming from your bladder or kidneys, especially if it ever radiates into your back. People often think of urologists as dealing with only the lower urinary tract, but this is not the case. They can diagnose issues with the bladder and kidneys, too. You may have bladder or kidney stones, or you could have an infection or benign tumor in either of these organs. 

Many urological problems in men only get worse over time. So, you should never ignore the symptoms above. Contact a urologist in your area, and schedule an appointment. Usually, they can run a few tests like urinalysis and x-rays, and get a good idea of what's going on. 

For more information, contact a local clinic like Nashville Healthcare Center.
