As a parent, you may feel a wealth of emotions when your child is diagnosed with ADHD. You might be feeling nervous about the unknown, scared for your child's future, or relieved that you finally have some answers. If you do not know where to start with your child's ADHD diagnosis and treatment options, the following may be helpful:
Learn About Your Child's Diagnosis
If you do not have any history of ADHD in your family and likewise do not know anything about it, understanding more about your child's diagnosis will help you. The first thing to understand is that ADHD is not the same in every child. Children with the same diagnosis may have vastly different behavior patterns.
You also need to know the type of ADHD your child has. There are generally three types. Primarily inattentive ADHD means your child struggles with the ability to concentrate and attentiveness. Primarily hyperactive-impulsive ADHD means your child has problems controlling themselves in different ways. There is also a combination form of ADHD that marries both types. Once you know which type of ADHD your child has, you will be better prepared to understand it.
Determine Treatment
Once you know your child has ADHD, you next need to decide on the type of treatment your child needs. There is no cure for ADHD, but you can provide treatment options to help your child better cope with the symptoms. Your child's doctor will advise you as to your options so you will feel comfortable with your decision.
There are several options to choose from, and many with ADHD utilize a combination of treatments. There are some lifestyle changes you can try to help your child deal with ADHD symptoms. This can include changes in diet, sleep patterns, daily activities, and so on. There is also cognitive therapy treatment. This treatment consists of talk therapy with your child's psychiatrist. There is also medication as a treatment option if you are comfortable going this route. Keep in mind you can and should reevaluate your child's treatment plan over time. You will find as your child grows and matures that their level of treatment may need to change.
Let Your Child's School Know
Once you know how you will go forward with your child's ADHD treatment, you next need to let their school know. There are many resources available for students dealing with ADHD that will help your child succeed with their education.
For more information about ADHD treatment, contact a medical facility.