Getting The Right Hearing Aids For Hearing Loss

Hearing aids are not all the same so getting the right hearing aid for your specific needs is important. Because there are so many differences, it is important to have an audiologist check your hearing and work with you to get the right set.

Get a Hearing Screen

The first step in getting hearing aids is having a hearing screen to determine where your hearing loses are at and what the best way to improve the situation will be. The audiologist will do a basic hearing test and some additional test to find the areas were your hearing is the worst. Hearing loss does not happen all at once and it typically only involves specific ranges of the hearing. If the hearing aids you have are not right for your hearing loss, they will be ineffective for you. 

Custom Fit Hearing Aids

There are a lot of hearing aids available but it is important that you get ones that are made to fit your ears properly. The ear molds need to seal the ear canal or they will allow ambient sound in around them, overpower the sound coming out of the hearing aid and making it difficult to hear things with them. The audiologist will make impressions of your ear so they can have custom molds made for you and ensure they fit properly during your screening. 

Digital Hearing Aids

Most of the hearing aids on the market are digital hearing aids. They offer a much clearer sound, and the hearing aids can be adjusted by the audiologist to get the best performance out of them. The audiologist will use the results of your tests and adjust the volume, the clarity, and the sound quality of the hearings aids for you. After you have worn them for a few weeks, they will check them and make adjustments based on what your result with them has been. If you notice one area or another that the sound is not good for you, let the audiologist now so they can try and fix it for you.

Accessories Available 

There are some things you can add to digital hearing aids to make life easier as well. Some models have Bluetooth connectivity so you can use your cell phone through your hearing aids. There are also television connections that allow the wearer to hear the TV directly in the hearing aid using a Bluetooth connection point that plugs int to the TV and lets you keep the volume down on the TV itself. Other people in the room will be able to hear it but it will not be so loud that it is overpowering.

Contact a business like Mark Montgomery MD FACS to learn more.
