Some Things You Need To Know About Medical CBD

There is a lot of debate around the use of marijuana in the medical world. There have been many people who have found relief from their pain and relief from negative symptoms by using medical marijuana. What many people do not know is that there are a couple different active ingredients in marijuana and each have different effects. Here are some things you need to know about cannabidiol, or CBD, which is an oil in marijuana.

Does CBD Have Medicinal Purposes?

The great thing is that CBD has great medicinal benefits without many of the negative side effects that other active ingredients have. For instance, one of the biggest complaints of those who are against the use of medicinal marijuana is that the drug can cause psychoactive hallucinations. This is also part of the process that people call getting "high." Medical CBD doesn't contain those same active ingredients, so it makes getting high off of it virtually impossible. Instead, it will simply take away pain, and help to heal the body without sending those neural pathways to the brain that can cause mind-altering effects.

It seems that even though it doesn't contain the psychoactive ingredients, it still can combat nausea and vomiting, can suppress seizure activity, can help with inflammation, can slow the effects of neurodegenerative disorders, and much more. This is why many people believe that CBD is a much better option for medical use rather than the full marijuana plant.

Is CBD Legal?

Although the purposes and effects of CBD are different than the effects of full marijuana, the oil is still illegal in many places. It is a controlled drug, which means to use it you will need to have a prescription from your doctor. However, many people would like to see it over the counter since the side effects are so different than those used in the recreational drug. This is a cause for many activists to try and get CBD to be considered a legal a viable option for many people to treat their health problems without a prescription.

How Do I Know If CBD Will Help Me?

Because CBD has so many medicinal benefits, it is a good option for many people. However, before you explore CBD, you should talk to your doctor about how it would affect you in your current situation. Your doctor may agree that it is the right option for you, but you will have to have a prescription first. 
