Dry mouth is one of the more common complaints from CPAP users. The increased air pressure in the throat created by the machine can lead to annoying dry mouth, which can further lead to mouth sores and irritation if it's not treated. Fortunately, you can usually solve the issue by using the right mask and straps.
Full Face Vs. Nasal
A CPAP mask comes in either a full-face version or a nasal-only style. The full face version covers both the nose and mouth, so it's often prescribed for mouth breathers. Nasal-only styles only cover the nose, so they generally work best with those that breath through the nose when sleeping.
Full-face masks are heavier and can be uncomfortable to sleep in, so most users opt for the nasal-only style when possible. If you are a mouth breather, the nasal masks can lead to dry mouth issues.
Air Leakage Issues
A poorly-fitted mask, regardless of the design, can also cause dry mouth. Any air leakage around the mouth is cause for concern. You can test for leakage by putting on the mask and activating the machine. Pass a small hand mirror around the edges of the mask. If you the mirror steams up, the mask isn't properly fitted.
Even your existing mask can eventually fall victim to air leakage, especially if you have gained or lost weight in the face. Check for leakage issues first if you had previously been able to use your CPAP machine without dry mouth problems.
Preventing Mouth Breathing
Mouth breathing with a nasal mask is the primary cause of dry mouth with a CPAP machine. This doesn't mean you have to use a bulky full mask, though. A properly-fitted chinstrap holds your mouth closed while you are sleeping, which prevents the CPAP machine from filling your mouth and throat with drying air.
A chin strap can also prevent dry mouth with a full-face mask. If your cheeks puff full of air, this means your mouth taking the brunt of the drying air in the machine. In this case, a chin strap will keep your jaw in the proper position so the machine is filling your nasal passages and not your mouth.
Try several chin straps and make sure the one you choose fits your face properly without any rubbing. An improperly fitted strap can lead to irritation or skin rashes. Clean the strap often so it doesn't collect oils or dirt that can irritate your skin. Have more questions? Contact a company like Corner Medical to learn more.