Benefits Of Visiting A Chiropractor For Back Pain

The most common reason for adults to suffer from disability in America is because of back pain. Each year back pain leaves about 2.4 million Americans constantly disabled and leaves the same number temporarily disabled. This pain can be experienced throughout the entire back, including the lower, middle, and upper portions of the back. Because of this, many people visit chiropractors to help get relief from, if not completely alleviate, this pain. This article discusses the leading causes of back pain and the ways in which chiropractors can help.

Common causes of back pain

The most common cause of back pain is due to injury. This can be sustained from lifting objects that are too heavy, bending the wrong way, or pulling on the back muscles in some other way. It can also be caused by car crashes or any number of other serious accidents.

Another cause of back pain to discuss is improper posture. Many people sit and stand with their backs at least slightly hunched. This can lead to spinal problems, muscle tiredness and tension, and muscle inflammation. 

If the sciatica nerve is pinched, this can also cause severe back pain. This pain is most often experienced in the lower back and happens due to the spine or other joints being improperly located and pinching the nerve.

More rare cases may also reveal that the patient suffers from spinal degeneration, arthritis, and/or tumors. These issues should be addressed immediately with a doctor.

Chiropractors can provide help

Because chiropractors (such as those from Buffalo Grove Chiropractic Center) often use a holistic approach to treatment, they do not hand out prescriptions for drugs or perform surgeries. Rather, they adjust misalignments in the spine or other joints throughout the body that are called subluxations to help provide relief. The subluxations can lead to muscle tiredness and tension, as well as inflammation. Having these subluxations adjusted to a more proper positioning can help to relieve the tightness and inflammation.

Oftentimes, the chiropractor may suggest the patient also visit a massage therapist to help reduce tension and inflammation. Because they often work hand-in-hand with each other, it is common for the chiropractors office to have a practicing massage therapist. 

Most of the time, more than one appointment will be necessary for long-term relief. It is common for the spinal cord and/or joints that were adjusted to move back to their painful positioning, so the chiropractor will have to adjust them again. 

The chiropractor may suggest to the patient certain exercises and/or stretches for the patient to complete on a regular basis at their home. It is important that these instructions be followed carefully, to help ensure proper relief.
